Outdoor range is closed indefinitely.
10 indoor lanes with electronic target tracks
Maximum distance is 50ft
Minimum distance is 12ft
Handgun rounds ONLY
.22 LR up to .44 magnum pistols or pistol caliber carbines
rounds like 380acp, 9mm, 40s&w, 45acp, 10mm
No rifle rounds or shotgun rounds of any kind (this includes .410 shells from Judge/Governor Revolvers or 5.7 x 28 from Rugar or FN 57)
Shooters must arrive PRIOR to 5:00pm to shoot as the range closes at 5:45pm in order to clean for the next business day
$15.00 per day, per shooter
No time limit unless there is a shooter waiting (if there is a wait, shooting time will be limited to 45 minutes)
$10 per weapon
Renter must provide a valid government ID
We have approximately 50 rental guns
Individual shooters are responsible for these items. If they need these items, we sell it. We do not rent or loan these items.